Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Big News on the New WWE Championship Belt Design

It’s been reported for months that WWE is in the process of making a new championship belt that will replace CM Punk’s current “spinner” belt.
Punk confirmed in a recent interview that the belt will debut very soon. He speculated it could debut as early as WWE SummerSlam (it didn’t) or by next month’s Night of Champions pay-per-view.
To update this situation, we can report that Rick Petko from Orange County Choppers, which is featured on The Discovery Channel’s American Chopper television series, is helping with the creation of the belt.
He tweeted on Wednesday afternoon that he is currently, “Annealing aluminum for a WWE Championship belt.”

Monday, August 20, 2012

Why Randy Orton Wasn’t Booked for SummerSlam, Austin’s Show Update

- The season finale of “Stone Cold” Steve Austin’s “Redneck Island” show is this Saturday night on CMT. Austin said on Twitter Monday afternoon that the second season will begin shooting “in about a month.”

- As reported earlier, Randy Orton is scheduled to be taking time off soon to film WWE’s new “12 Rounds” film in Canada, which is why he wasn’t booked at SummerSlam this year.
Many have speculated that Orton was still being punished for his second Wellness Policy suspension, however that’s not the case. PWInsider is reporting that the company didn’t want to put him into an upper-tier position only to pull him back out of it again to shoot the film.

News on Triple H and his future in WWE.

- Nobody within WWE expects Triple H to really be retiring from in-ring competition. The feeling is that Triple H still has many matches left. He’s expected to go away for a few months and then come back for a rematch against Brock Lesnar, possibly at Survivor Series.

Early Word on Lesnar Wrestling Again, Update on Flair’s Daughter, Lita

- Ric Flair’s daughter Ashley has been doing some ring announcing in WWE developmental. As noted before, she is using the name Charlotte.

- Former WWE Women’s Champion Lita was in attendance for SummerSlam. She posted a photo on Twitter from the WWE production area in the crowd.

- Word is that Brock Lesnar won’t wrestle again until the Survivor Series pay-per-view in November. Lesnar still has plenty of dates left on his contract. Many expect a re-match between him and Triple H to occur at the PPV.

RAW Name Change News, Santino Comments on Loss, Piper-Rousey

- Santino Marella wrote the following on Twitter after losing the United States Title to Antonio Cesaro at SummerSlam:

“Simple put, I let my fans down, I’m sorry and need to digest what happened before I figure out what I do next”

- WWE recently made the decision to drop “Supershow” from WWE RAW and apparently that was a last minute decision made over the weekend before that Monday.

- Strikeforce MMA Women’s Champion “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey noted in a post-fight interview this weekend that she took the nickname from WWE Legend Roddy Piper, who is her favorite wrestler. Rousey added that Piper gave her the okay to use the nickname and that she will never change it.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

WWE Summerslam PPV Results – 8/19/12

WWE SummerSlam Results
August 19, 2012
Los Angeles, California

YouTube pre-show: Antonio Cesaro def. Santino Marella to become the new WWE United States Champion.

The WWE promo runs.
A video package runs focusing on the 25 year history of Summerslam and then focusing on Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H.
A graphic opening hits welcoming us to the 25th Anniversary of Summerslam. We go live to the Staples Center in Los Angeles where a huge display of pyro goes off. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler welcome us to the live show.
Vickie Guerrero is out first to kick off the show. Excuse her.

Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho
Michael Cole points out that Jericho has yet to win a PPV match since returning earlier this year. Jericho catches Ziggler with a big elbow. Jericho is all over Ziggler and follows with a big kick to the gut. Ziggler dropst he injured ribs of Jericho over his knee. Jericho dumps Ziggler over the top rope. Ziggler presses Jericho into the ropes and then connects with a low dropkick into the ribs of Jericho. Jericho with chops fighting back. Ziggler catches Jericho with a body splash in the corner. Ziggler with a quick reverse neckbreaker on Jericho. Ziggler mocks Jericho pinning him with his foot over his chest. Jericho with a close rollup and Ziggler responds right away with a jumping clothesline. Jericho with a baseball slide dropkick to Ziggler and then connects with a series of shoulder charges. Jericho catches Ziggler with a big boot in the corner and then connects with a sledgehammer from the second rope. Ziggler sends Jericho into the corner, Jericho bounces off and Ziggler connects with the Fameasser. Ziggler gets a two count. Ziggler counters out of a Walls of Jericho attempt, but Jericho catches Ziggler with a kick to the back of the head. Ziggler gets a sleeper applied.
Jericho fights out of the sleeper, but Ziggler goes back to working over his ribs. Ziggler is sitting up on the top rope. Jericho with a big chop and elbows. Jericho climbs up with Ziggler, hits a few right hands to Ziggler’s head and connects with a jumping top rope huricanrana. Ziggler catches Jericho with a quick DDT and gets another two count with a pinfall attempt. Ziggler with a few rights, but Jericho fights back with a running bulldog. Jericho goes for the Lionsault, but Ziggler gets his knees up. Ziggler with the Zig Zag. Ziggler hooks the leg and Jericho kicks out after two. Jericho connects with the Codebreaker. Ziggler falls out of the ring. Jericho tosses Ziggler back in the ring. Vickie then holds on to Jericho’s leg. This allows Ziggler to get a rollup. Jericho kicks out after two. Jericho gets the Walls of Jericho locked in. Ziggler taps out.

Winner: Chris Jericho

After the match, Chris Jericho celebrates his win slapping hands with fans at ringside.
Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler review footage of Brock Lesnar’s attack on Shawn Michaels during Raw on Monday night.
Backstage, Matt Striker is with Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman. Heyman says Lesnar will finish Triple H and “break the spirit of WWE.” Lesnar grabs the mic and says this is a fight Triple H can’t win. Heyman says if they aren’t down with that then they have two words for Triple H: “tap out.”

Daniel Bryan vs. Kane
Daniel Bryan with a series of quick kicks to Kane early on. Kane catches another kick and throws Bryan down. Kane fights back with a few shots including a quick uppercut. Kane with a quick scoop slam and dropkick to the face. Kane with a big boot that drops Bryan. Kane gets a two count after a cover. Bryan with more kicks and Kane tosses him over the top rope. Bryan with a quick shoulder tackle into Kane sending Kane back first into the guard railining area. Back in the ring, Bryan comes off the top rope with a quick dropkick that drops Kane. Kane gets up on his knees and Bryan connects with big kicks to the chest. Kane avoids a kick to the head and drops Bryan with a clothesline. Kane with a series of clothesline body splashes to Bryan in two corners and follows with a quick side slam that results in a two count. Kane comes off the top rope with a big clothesline. Bryan counters a chokeslam attempt by Kane, drops Kane off the top rope, but Kane fires back with a big right hand. Bryan with a big slap to the jaw of Kane. Kane goes crazy on Bryan in the corner with a series of punches and kicks. The referee is barely able to pull Kane off when he reaches the 4 count. Bryan goes to the top rope. The crowd in Los Angeles is going crazy chanting YES! Bryan comes off the top attempting a flying headbutt, but Kane catches him around the throat and executes a huge chokeslam. Kane is calling for the end. Bryan counters a Tombstone attempt into a rollup to get the pinfall.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

After the match, Kane can’t believe it. Daniel Bryan bails out of the ring and heads to the back.
Backstage, we see a shot of an angry Kane trying to find Daniel Bryan. Josh Mathews walks up trying to get word. Kane tosses him aside.

WWE Intercontinental Championship
The Miz (c) vs. Rey Mysterio

The Miz drops Rey Mysterio early on after a lock up. Miz launches Mysterio out of the ring and Mysterio is able to roll through and recover. Miz then jumps out and Mysterio jumps back in. Mysterio then catches Miz with a quick dropkick sending Miz off the ring apron. Mysterio attempts a flip up bulldog, but Miz tosses him into the ring barricade area. Mysterio with a few kicks to the body of Miz. Miz catches Mysterio up on his shoulders and drops his lower back over his shoulders/neck. Miz with a corner clothesline on Mysterio and mocks the fans in Los Angeles. Mysterio crotches Miz up top. Miz with a big sitdown powerbomb on Mysterio. Mysterio with a quick rollup on Miz and Miz kicks out after two. Mysterio then quickly catches Miz with a kick to the head. Mysterio with a quick DDT on Miz. Mysterio with a huricanrana sending Miz into the ropes. Mysterio connects with a 619. Mysterio comes off the top turnbuckle with a body splash, but Miz sits up. Miz attempts a Skull Crushing Finale, but Mysterio counters into a rollup for a close two count. Miz then catches Mysterio with a Skull Crushing Finale and gets the pinfall.

Winner and still WWE Intercontinental Champion: The Miz

Backstage, Teddy Long is seen leaving AJ’s office and talks about what a great job she is doing to Eve. CM Punk walks up and goes in AJ’s office. He understands turning her down has made her want to punish him. Punk promises to retain his title tonight. AJ looked off and didn’t make eye contact with Punk during the conversation.
A video package runs highlighting Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Sheamus (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez

Some stiff looking lock ups early on when Del Rio pushing Sheamus into the corner. Del Rio with a big kick to the head of Sheamus. Del Rio with more kicks to the body pushing Sheamus back into the corner. Sheamus with a twisting neckbreaker for a two count. Sheamus with a few right hands and kicks to Del Rio. Sheamus with a rolling senton on Del Rio off his shoulders and gets another two count. Sheamus has Del Rio up on his shoulders. Del Rio gets the turnbuckle exposed when Sheamus was pulling him away. Del Rio gets off the shoulders of Sheamus, Sheamus avoids an armbar attempt, moves to the ring apron and Del Rio dropkicks him off the ring apron to the outside. Del Rio drives the leg of Sheamus into the steel ring steps. Del Rio tosses Sheamus back in, goes up top and connects with a sledgehammer. We see a shot of Ricardo at ringside yelling at some fans. Del Rio pushes Sheamus into the middle rope choking him and then drives knees into the chest of Sheamus. Del Rio then grounds Sheamus locking on an headlock. Del Rio drives the head of Sheamus into the mat, hooks the leg and gets another two count. Del Rio starts mocking Sheamus slapping his chest.
Sheamus fires back with a quick clothesline. Del Rio quickly recovers sending Sheamus shoulder first into the steel ring post. Sheamus with right hands and a quick headbutt. Del Rio then crotches Sheamus when Sheamus gets to the top turnbuckle. Del Rio grabs the left arm of Sheamus and pulls him down to the mat with force driving the arm into his knees. Del Rio gets the armbar applied on Sheamus. Sheamus is reaching for the bottom rope. Sheamus turns himself over, lifts Del Rio up and drops him off to the side with a powerbomb. Sheamus connects with White Noise on Del Rio, hooks the leg and Del Rio kicks out after two. Sheamus backs up to the corner calling for the Brogue Kick. Del Rio steps out of the way, but Sheamus spears him into the corner. Sheamus then locks up Del Rio in the ropes and throws his big forearm chops to the chest. Sheamus with right hands to Del Rio in the corner, but Del Rio trips him up and Sheamus hits the exposed turnbuckle. Del Rio with a kick to the head, hooks the leg and Sheamus kicks out! Del Rio is shocked. Del Rio slaps Ricardo who was up on the ring apron. Sheamus uses Ricardo’s shoe, hits Del Rio and connects with the Irish Curse Backbreaker.
During the pinfall, Del Rio gets his leg on the bottom rope. The referee still counts the pinfall.

Winner and still WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Sheamus

After the match, Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez are arguing with the referee. Michael Cole says Sheamus stole this one tonight.
Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler plug the Night of Champions PPV on September 16.
Backstage, we see footage from earlier tonight of Triple H talking with referee Scott Armstrong. He says his fight with Brock Lesnar tonight either ends with a pinfall or submission.

WWE Tag Team Championships
Kofi Kingston and R-Truth (c’s) vs. The Primetime Players

We start with Truth and Darren Young. Truth with a quick hip toss and leg drop combo. Tag to Titus O’Neil who catches Truth with a big boot. Truth quickly recovers with a flying leg kick dropping Titus. Tag to Kingston who springboards in with a series of shots to Titus including a big dropkick. Kingston drops Titus with a flying clothesline and follows that with a Boom Drop. Young distracts Kingston allowing Titus to roll out. Young misses a clothesline to Kingston on the outside, but Titus takes out Kingston with a clothesline and tosses him back in the ring. Titus lifts Kingston up and drops him hard on the mat back in the ring. Tag to Young who is lifted up in a suplex by Titus and dropped over Kingston. Kingston with big left hands to Young. Kingston with a reversal in midair, but Young fires back with a snap powerslam for a two count. Tag to Titus who takes a ton of kicks from Kingston. Titus counters out and gets an abdominal stretch applied. Kingston with elbows to Titus, but Titus twists him around and Kingston brings him down in a DDT. Hot tag to Truth and tag to Young. Truth with clotheslines to Young and then connects with his twisting body splash. Truth with a front face suplex, hooks the leg and Titus breaks it up. Titus then tosses Kingston out of the ring. Kingston dumps Titus to the outside. Kingston springboards up off the top rope and takes out Titus on the outside. Young with a rollup on a Truth for a two count. Truth with his facebuster finisher and gets the pinfall.

Winners and still WWE Tag Team Champions: Kofi Kingston and R-Truth

Video runs of WWE taking over Los Angeles this week in preparation for Summerslam.
A video package runs highlighting CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. Big Show.

WWE Championship – Triple Threat Match
CM Punk (c) vs. John Cena vs. Big Show

No introductions tonight. The bell rings and here we go. Michael Cole points out the last WWE PPV that Punk main evented as WWE Champion was December of 2011 noting Punk’s “lack of respect” cries. Big Show goes after both Punk and John Cena early on with some body shots. Big Show tosses Cena into the corner and quickly tosses Punk to the mat. Big Show with a huge chest chop to Cena. Big Show with a chest chop to Punk. Punk with a slap to Big Show. Big Show with a headbutt and another big chop to the chest. Crowd in Los Angeles is very pro-Punk. Punk and Cena double team Big Show with a few shots. They attempt a double suplex, but Big Show gives them a double suplex instead. Big Show with a quick body splash to Cena in the corner and Cena falls out of the ring. Punk with a dropkick to the knee of Big Show as he came off the ropes. Loud “CM PUNK” chants. Punk with kicks to Big Show. Punk calls for the GTS. Big Show breaks it up and chops Punk. Cena gets Big Show on his shoulders and Punk breaks that up. Big Show then stands on the back of Punk. Punk screams out in pain. Big Show again sends Cena to the outside from the ring apron.
Big Show misses a splash in the corner, catches Punk coming off the top and then drops an elbow over his chest. Big Show catches Cena with a huge spear, hooks the leg and Cena kicks out. Big Show puts a dazed Punk and Cena next to each other near the corner. Big Show goes up to the second rope, jumps back, Punk rolls out of the way and Big Show catches Cena. Punk comes off the top rope over Big Show. Big Show grabs Punk around the neck and sends him over the top rope. Big Show works over Cena at ringside when Punk launches himself through the second rope. Big Show catches him and launches him into the ropes. Back in the ring, Big Show with a side slam on Cena. Punk drops Big Show off the top rope and Cena connects with a back suplex. Cena goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Punk cuts him off with a flying clothesline. Punk mocks Cena, goes up top and connects with a flying elbow over Big Show. Big Show powers out of the pinfall attempt. Punk with a kick to Big Show’s head and then gets a modified triangle choke applied. Big Show powers out and chops the chest of Punk. Cena is back in and connects with a shoulder block to Big Show.
Cena with an STF locked on Big Show. Big Show powers to his feet and sends Cena to the corner to break it up. Cena jumps off the corner, Big Show catches him and slams him down on the mat. Punk with a flying clothesline that takes out Big Show. Punk with a running knee to Big Show. Punk with a second. Punk connects with a third. Big Show avoids the running bulldog by Punk. Cena off the top rope with a flying leg drop. Punk again goes back to his triangle choke on Big Show. Cena locks the STF on Big Show. Both Punk and Cena have submissions applied on Big Show. Big Show taps.
The referee calls for the bell. Both Punk and Cena celebrate. They start arguing with the referee. AJ’s music hits. She skips to the ring and grabs a mic. Punk tells AJ to let the fans decide. AJ orders the match to be restarted.
Big Show grabs both Punk and Cena and connects with a double chokeslam. Big Show hooks the leg on Cena and Cena kicks out. Big Show covers Punk and Punk kicks out. Big Show calls for the knockout punch. Cena avoids it and connects with an AA on Big Show. Punk dumps Cena to the outside, hooks the leg of Big Show and gets the pinfall.

Winner and still WWE Champion: CM Punk

After the match, CM Punk grabs the WWE Championship and starts celebrating up on the corner. We see a shot of a shocked John Cena. We then see a replay leading up to the finish. Back live, Punk is gloating in front of an upset Cena at ringside.

We see a shot of Vince McMahon’s star on the Walk of Fame. Back live, Piers Morgan, Fred Durst, Rick Rubin, David Arquette and Maria Menounos are shown in the crowd.
A trailer for WWE Studios’ “The Day” is shown. The cast from the film is then shown at ringside.
Footage from the YouTube pre-show is shown of Antonio Cesaro defeating Santino Marella to become the new WWE United States Champion.
Kevin Rudolf then performs “Don’t Give Up” – the official theme song of Summerslam. We then get really random shots of Lilian Garcia, Justin Roberts, Michael Cole and WWE Divas dancing to the song.

Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman vs. Triple H
Justin Roberts handled ring introductions for Brock Lesnar and Triple H. They dimmed the lights and put spotlights on both for a big fight feel. The bell rings and Lesnar immediately picks up Triple H launching him into the corner. Triple H with some rights and Lesnar launches him back to the corner. Lesnar goes for a kimura lock and Triple H breaks free. Lesnar goes for a second wrapping his legs around Triple H and Triple H again breaks free. Triple H with a clothesline that sends Lesnar to the outside. Lesnar jumps back in and drives Triple H into the corner. Lesnar with a quick clothesline and Triple H catches him with a high knee. Triple H again clotheslines Lesnar to the outside. Triple H yells out, “This is WWE, it isn’t UFC. Come on!” Lesnar returns to the ring and removes his MMA gloves. Lesnar with a quick takedown and a huge punch to the back of the head. Triple H rolls out grabbing his head. Cole notes that a punch to the back of the head is illegal in MMA. Triple H with rights to Lesnar on the outside. Lesnar with knees and forearms to the back. Lesnar then lifts Triple H up and drops him down over the announcers table. The referee is not starting a count.

Lesnar drags Triple H in the ring. Lesnar with a knee and again drops Triple H on his arm. Lesnar with big stomps over Triple H in the corner. Lesnar locks on another kimura and throws Triple H into the corner. Lesnar counters a clothesline attempt from Triple H and connects with a big release german suplex. Triple H with right hands and a quick DDT on Lesnar. Lesnar goes for another kimura and then drops Triple H on the same arm. On the outside, Lesnar sends Triple H into the steel ring steps. Lesnar then sends Triple H over the spanish announce table. Lesnar pushes the table over, stands over the side, jumps and connects with a big sledgehammer over the head of Triple H. Lesnar tosses Triple H back in the ring who attempts a comeback, but Lesnar gets in a quick rollup for a one count. Lesnar with a nasty looking clothesline to Triple H. Triple H with a suplex on Lesnar. Lesnar misses a splash, Triple H goes for a Pedigree, Lesnar counters out and sends Triple H into the corner. Triple H bounces off the corner and falls to the outside. Triple H then sends Lesnar gut first into the corner of the announce table. Triple H then punches Lesnar in the lower stomach.

Lesnar is going for the kimura. Triple H breaks it up with knees. Triple H drives a knee to the lower stomach of Lesnar. Triple H with repeated knees. Triple H with a big spinebuster on Lesnar. Lesnar counters a Pedigree, goes for an F5, Triple H counters and connects with the Pedigree. Triple H hooks the leg and Lesnar immediately kicks out after two. Lesnar with a low blow right in front of the referee. Paul Heyman screams at referee Scott Armstrong to let it go since Triple H wanted a fight. Lesnar with an F5 on Triple H. Lesnar hooks the leg and Triple H kicks out. Lesnar can’t believe it. Lesnar applies the kimura lock on Triple H. Lesnar falls down and locks his legs around Triple H locking it in tight. Triple H makes it to the ropes and starts punching Lesnar on the side. Triple H with a Pedigree. Triple H tries to roll Lesnar over for a pinfall and Lesnar locks in the kimura again. Triple H is punching Lesnar and trying to break free. Lesnar has it locked in tight. Triple H taps out.

Winner: Brock Lesnar

After the match, a smiling Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman head up the ramp. We see a shot of WWE’s medical team attending to Triple H who is refusing help. We see a replay of Triple H tapping out. Back live, we see Lesnar and Heyman heading to the back. We see a shot of Triple H attempting to recover. He is still refusing medical treatment. A loud “YOU TAPPED OUT” chant starts up as he gets to his feet. Triple H says he is sorry as the crowd in Los Angeles claps for him. “Sorry guys. I’m sorry,” says Triple H to the camera as he leans up against the ropes. Triple H leaves the ring and slaps hands with a few fans at ringside. He gets another big reaction as he heads up the ramp. Michael Cole says, “You have to wonder if this is the end of Triple H.”

The PPV goes off the air with Triple H heading to the back.

Stephanie McMahon Assigned More WWE Duties.

- The official website of WWE Corporate has updated Stephanie McMahon’s bio and it is noted that as Executive Vice President of Creative, her duties have expanded to overseeing the creative development of all WWE print, digital and social media content, in addition to the writing process for television and pay-per-view programming. She is also listed as a member of the Board of Directors for the social media company, Tout, Inc., which WWE has invested in.

Also, she is being referred again by her maiden name Stephanie McMahon, rather than Stephanie McMahon Levesque.

Scooby-Doo's Mystery Machine pulls in to WrestleMania!

Warner Bros. and WWE Studios today announced they will co-produce a Scooby-Doo animated feature that will find Scooby and the gang solving a mystery at WrestleMania

WWE Superstars and Divas including Triple H, John Cena, Kane, The Miz, Brodus Clay, Santino Marella, Sin Cara and AJ Lee will appear in animated form and lend their voices to the project. WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon will also lend his voice and appear in animated form.

When Shaggy and Scooby win tickets to WrestleMania, the entire gang travels in the Mystery Machine to WWE City to attend the epic event. However, when a mysterious ghostly bear appears and threatens to ruin the show, Scooby, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne and Fred work with WWE Superstars to solve the case.

Warner Bros. Home Entertainment will handle worldwide distribution on Blu-ray, DVD, VOD and digital download. The film will be produced by Warner Bros. Animation. WWE will utilize its extensive global reach through its television, digital media and print assets to market the release of the film.

WWE Hall of Famer Backstage At SummerSlam, WWE Confiscates Vince/J.R. Sign

- WWE Hall of Famer Mike Tyson is backstage at tonight’s SummerSlam pay-per-view event at the STAPLES Center in Los Angeles, California. He has been in Los Angeles the past few days to promote THQ’s upcoming WWE ’13 video game, which features the legendary boxer as a playable wrestler.

- At today’s SummerSlam Axxess event at the Nokia Plaza at L.A. LIVE, a fan brought a sign reading “BE A STAR” and featuring a printed screenshot of WWE chief Vince McMahon distorting his face in a backstage segment on Raw two months ago to ridicule Jim Ross’ facial paralysis—it was confiscated by security.

The Wrestling Observer reported then that there was concern among WWE higher-ups over McMahon’s mean-spirited portrayal of Ross as it could blow up in the organization’s face if media outlets and Linda McMahon’s U.S. Senate competition caught wind of it. The Creative Coalition, which formed a multi-platform, nationwide anti-bullying alliance with WWE, “be a STAR,” would appear hypocritical by conducting business with an organization that practices what they preach against.

- Former WWF and WCW wrestler Tim Horner turns 53-years-old Sunday.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

WWE Pays Tribute To “Macho Man” Randy Savage, “Raw 1,000″ DVD Scheduled

- WWE pays tribute to “Macho Man” Randy Savage all September on WWE Classics On Demand with “Macho Madness.” The synopsis for the month of programming reads, according to WWE Magazine: “Relive unforgettable matches and moments featuring one of the most popular Superstars of all-time, “The Macho Man” Randy Savage. Plus, see the entire 2012 WWE Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, including behind-the-scenes footage. Don’t miss the pomp and circumstance all month long on WWE Classics On Demand.”

- According to, a Raw 1,000 DVD and Blu-ray is scheduled to be released in December. The title will include moments from the 1000th episode, if not the entire episode, in addition to highlights from the history of the program.

Also scheduled for release is Best PPV Matches of 2012 before the year concludes. This title will be released on DVD and Blu-ray. The 2012 edition of the Survivor Series will be released on Blu-ray after last year’s show was only released in the format in Europe.

- The August 17, 2012 edition of WWE Vintage Collection pays tribute to Canadian wrestlers with the following matches: Dino Bravo vs. Sam Houston (WWF Prime Time Wrestling – July 25, 1988), Lance Storm vs. Chavo Guerrero (WCW Monday Nitro – July 31, 2000), Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Guerrero (WCW Thunder – January 15, 1998), Edge vs. Christian (WWF Unforgiven – September 23, 2001), The Hart Foundation vs. The Rougeaus (WWF live event at Boston Garden – September 10, 1988). (Thanks to Devin Cutting)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Punk Screening His WWE DVD, Tonight’s SmackDown Tapings, Ryder

- Zack Ryder will be appearing at the Long Island Auto Show from the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York on October 12th. Ryder’s appearance runs from 7pm until 9pm.

- Tonight’s WWE SmackDown tapings take place from the Frank Erwin Center in Austin, Texas. John Cena and Triple H are advertised to appear and the dark main event is scheduled to be Cena vs. Big Show and John Laurinaitis. Confirmed for tonight’s show is Alberto Del Rio confronting Booker T and Eve Torres vs. Kaitlyn to determine Booker T’s new assistant.

- WWE will be theatrically screening CM Punk’s Best in the World documentary from the new DVD on October 7th in Chicago. WWE Champion CM Punk will be in attendance for the screening. This is the first time WWE has shown any of their DVD productions in a theater. It will be a lengthy show as the documentary portion of the DVD is almost two hours long. No word yet on the location.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Why The WWF “Scratch” Logo Is No Longer Blurred, Sable Turns 45

- For the past ten years, video content from WWE’s “Attitude Era” (1998–2002) has been edited due to a lawsuit with the World Wildlife Fund over the WWF initials. All WWF “scratch” logos and references to the initials had to be blurred or edited out. This directive has now changed, at least in part.

In regards to the former “scratch” logo appearing unaltered in video packages in recent weeks, use of the symbol in flashback sequences is permitted after the organization’s legal proceedings with the World Wildlife Fund were settled in the last quarter. However, it is unclear whether the permission extends to completematches and other archival footage.

Meanwhile, published a photo gallery Tuesday chronicling the long line of Presidents, Commissioners and General Managers that have ruled over sports-entertainment and a shot of Mick Foley donning a T-shirt with the WWF “scratch” logo on display is shown.

- Former WWE Women’s Champion Sable, wife of WWE Superstar Brock Lesnar, turns 45-years-old on Wednesday. Though her age has come into question over the years, Wrestling Observer editor Dave Meltzer noted in her $110 million lawsuit against WWE in 1999 (citing allegations of sexual harassment and unsafe working conditions) that she listed herself as being born on August 8, 1967. Therefore, she was 28-years-old when she joined the sports-entertainment organization in 1996 and 35 when she returned in 2003.

Fans have speculated that with Lesnar’s renewed partnership with WWE, the legendary Diva could return to television as well. That, however, is believed to be highly unlikely. According to people close to the couple, she has absolutely no desire to return to the spotlight and is very content on being a homebody.

Jericho Asked About AW’s Release, Reks & Hawkins Working RAW/SD, More

- SmackDown General Manager Booker T noted that the hardcopy version of his new book From Prison to Promise will be in stores September 1st but can be pre-ordered through iBook. Booker sold around 300 copies of his book at the Chicago Comic-Con this weekend.

- WWE Diva Eve Torres is featured on NBC’s Stars Earn Stripes reality TV show. It premieres tonight at 8pm EST on NBC.

- Tyler Reks said on Twitter that he and Curt Hawkins will be working this week’s RAW and SmackDown.

- Chris Jericho took fan questions on Twitter this weekend and was asked about WWE releasing AW. He replied:
“It’s a drag. But it’s not the attitude era anymore”

WWE Has AW Twitter Account Suspended; Continues To Ridicule Linda & WWE

As AW predicted, his original Twitter account was suspended after the terminated WWE Superstar posted a multitude of messages disparaging his former employer and Vince McMahon’s wife Linda McMahon. A.W., however, set up another account under his real name, Brian Jossie, at BJRatedR and has continued to sound off on the sports-entertainment organization as well as Linda.
Jossie believes WWE had his original account shut down, writing, “Yeah the #WWE shut down my old account. It’s all good. It was fun while it lasted.” When asked whether the account was his property, he responded, “Not really sure. Although when it comes to the #WWE they own everything like Satan, including your soul,lol!”

Jossie, who blames Linda and her ongoing U.S. Senate campaign for his termination from WWE, subsequently posted three images ridiculing the political hopeful. In the first pic, he posted a joke poster of McMahon reading “UNSTOPPABLE”-a takeoff of the Barack Obama “Hope” poster. He then posted an unflattering photo of McMahon, noting, “Is it me or does Linda McMahon make Hilary Clinton look like Angelina Fucking Jolie!!” Jossie was also sent a side-by-side image of Linda and the Cryptkeeper and asked if he sees a resemblance. “Yep! CryptKeeper might have her beat,” he wrote.
Jossie had also tweeted, “@Linda_McMahon has cost more negroes jobs than hurricane Katrina!!” However, he stated minutes later that he doesn’t hate Linda and that he’s merely joking around.
“I don’t hate Linda, I’m doing what a comedian would do. Making light of a serious situation inorder to make people think!” Jossie wrote.

He then continued the Linda jokes, writing, “David Duke would hire my black ass before @Linda_McMahon!” He then added, “Sorry I won’t be HANGING out at any #WWE shows. There’s enough pro wrestling lynching as it is….”

In response to a fan comment stating, “It’s pretty damn funny that @WWE actually thinks @Linda_McMahon has a chance at winning,” Jossie responded, “Agreed, Them muthafuckas are as high as Jeff Hardy!!!”

Jossie was also asked whether one needs to “play the game” in order to survive the political minefield of WWE. He responded, “Politics is a must. Everyone plays the GAME!! Some (Divas) more than others….#WinkWink #HHH.”

A Twitter user sent Jossie a mock graphic proposing a Street Fight between himself and Vince McMahon at WrestleMania XXIX, to which he responded, “Ha! Yeah I’d whoop that old man’s ass! I’d only do it if Shane and Steph joined in. #McMahonSmackdown!” He also noted “as soon as I see Vince on TV this Nike is gonna fuck my plasma up!!”

Jossie was also asked how WWE would have acted had he made a Mike Tyson rape joke rather than a Kobe Bryant one. “Nope I would have probably got a raise! #WhatTheFuck?” he responded.
Finally, Jossie was asked whether he’s calling out WWE for exposure, to be controversial or out of bitterness. “I’m just saying my peace. I wish more people would be like JTG and not be afraid to speak up. #Courage,” he says.

Tonight’s WWE RAW – Lesnar-HBK, DJ Pauly D, Opening Match and More

- Tonight’s WWE RAW takes place from the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas. Confirmed for tonight’s show is an appearance with Shawn Michaels as the hype for Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H at SummerSlam continues.

Tonight’s show will open with WWE Champion CM Punk vs. Big Show in a non-title match. WWE will be bringing back the Social Media Ambassador gimmick tonight as MTV’s DJ Pauly D will play the role. The American Airlines Center is advertising John Cena vs. Big Show in a No DQ match as the main event.

Tonight’s RAW is the final RAW before SummerSlam so we should get a final card including the YouTube pre-show match.

WWE is focusing on the following points for tonight’s RAW:

* Will Alberto Del Rio sneak his way back into the #1 contender’s spot?

* How will Daniel Bryan battle back against Kane?

* Will Social Media Ambassador DJ Pauly D fist pump with Zack Ryder?

* Brock Lesnar’s final opportunity to “see” Shawn Michaels before the Triple H match at SummerSlam

* How will CM Punk react to Big Show’s recent actions?

Jericho Talks About TNA Stars He’d Like to Wrestle, Chinese WWE Star, More

- Reuters is featuring an article about WWE’s live event Saturday night in Shanghai, China. The article states that WWE Senior Vice President for International Operations would like to have a Chinese star, although they still probably wouldn’t be as popular as John Cena.

“We’d love to have a Chinese star and we’re certainly open to working with Chinese talent. John Cena, one of our top superstars, may be more popular than the local talent anywhere he goes.”

- The SmackDown crew completed their final show of their overseas tour of Asia in Taipei, Taiwan. The crew is headed back home and are scheduled to be at Raw tomorrow night.

- Chris Jericho was asked on his Twitter about which TNA wrestlers he would like to work with. Jericho replied, “Roode, Angle, Samoa Joe, AJ”

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

WWE Expected to Offer Lesnar Another Deal, Heyman’s Future, HBK-RAW

- Shawn Michaels is expected to make more RAW appearances leading up to SummerSlam, where he will be in Triple H’s corner for the match against Brock Lesnar. Lesnar promised Michaels on RAW last night that the two would be seeing each other before SummerSlam.

- A lot of people within WWE are expecting the company to offer Brock Lesnar a second deal once his current one expires around WrestleMania 29 next year.

Regarding Paul Heyman’s future, it’s said that the angle with Stephanie McMahon at RAW 1000 had some real meaning behind it as Stephanie does not like Heyman personally. With that said, most expect Heyman to continue working with WWE in some capacity.

Report from RAW on Why JTG and Other WWE Superstars Are Upset

- As seen last night, WWE Superstar JTG spoke out about being unhappy with his role in the company and how he was tired of being taken advantage of. reports that there have been some payoffs come out in the past few weeks, mainly the WrestleMania 28 payoff, and that is part of why JTG is upset. Word is that JTG isn’t the only midcard talent upset about the WrestleMania payoffs. Apparently with WWE touting the success of the WrestleMania buyrate, the talents expected the payoffs to be more than what they actually were.

Word going around is that many talents are upset about it and lots of are talking privately about it but everyone is afraid to speak out because of fear for losing their jobs.

It’s always possible that JTG may be released soon but the feeling backstage was that he was not trying to get released. Talents were keeping their distance from him before RAW went on the air last night but after the show, officials were coming up to him asking if he was okay and what the problem was.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Taker & McMahon Appear After Raw for HBK Tribute

After Raw went off the air, John Cena came out and introduced a video tribute to Shawn Michaels. Michaels then came out to the ring, followed by Triple H, and CM Punk. Punk thank Michaels for inspiring him and noted Shawn's autograph is one he has kept since age 15.

After Punk left, Vince McMahon came out and told Michaels that he felt like a father to him and said, "I love you son," and they hugged. Hunter then brought out the entire locker room. Out came Undertaker.

Taker told Michaels that if he had to list his Top 5 matches of all-time, Shawn would be directly responsible in some way for three of them. He then thanked Shawn for being a friend, and they hugged.

Shawn Michaels was presented with a commemorative plaque to honor his work for the AT&T Center, as well. The last person who came out was John Laurinaitis, who received an immediate Sweet Chin Music out of the ring. Hunter and McMahon rolled Johnny back into the ring to chants of "One more time," which Michaels obliged.

Michaels closed by thanking everyone for supporting him, then he, Triple H, and Taker posed for pictures to end the night in a WrestleMania 28 reunion.

Star Tired Of Being Taken Advantage Of, WWE Superstars

- Rarely seen WWE Superstar JTG posted a series of cryptic messages on Twitter suggesting that he is unhappy with his standing in the sports entertainment organization. The Cryme Tyme member founder wrote Sunday evening, "Make decisions based on your worth, not your circumstance!" I wish some one told me this 2 years ago."

He continued Monday night, "The camels back just BROKE ! I had enought of this.

"As a pro athlete,Im tired of me and my lockerroom brothers being taken advantage of . Fans have no idea what we go through.#itsanillusion

"Yea I said it.

"Nobody wants to speak up, everybodys afraid of losing their job or getting taken off TV."

- Two Raw brand matches were taped Monday night at the AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas for this week's episode of WWE Superstars:

* WWE United States Champion Santino Marella vs. Michael McGillicutty in a non-title match

* Zack Ryder vs. Tensai

News for Tonight’s WWE RAW – HBK Appreciation Night, Punk to Respond, More

- Tonight’s WWE RAW takes place from San Antonio, Texas with HBK Appreciation Night advertised. Triple H, Brock Lesnar and Shawn Michaels are all scheduled to appear tonight but there’s no confirmation yet that the festivities will be airing on TV.

No matches have been advertised for tonight’s show but John Cena vs. Big Show is advertised locally. WWE is focusing on the following points for tonight’s RAW:

* Daniel Bryan’s new “NO!” attitude and rivalry with Kane

* Will Alberto Del Rio be forced to wrestle?

* Randy Orton back in action

* Titus O’Neil and Darren Young seek WWE tag team gold

* CM Punk responds to the SummerSlam Triple Threat

TMZ Reports on Kharma’s WWE Departure, Possible Reality Show

- Following her recent release from WWE, former WWE talent Kharma is working hard to get back into shape with hopes of jump-starting her wrestling career. is reporting that Kharma “fell into a deep depression” after suffering a miscarriage last year and put on so much weight that she was unable to return to WWE. Kharma told TMZ that she put on so much weight during the pregnancy that it could have contributed to the tragedy.

Kharma says she is now motivated to get back into ring shape and has hired a team of therapists and fitness experts to help her achieve her goal.

Kharma has been in touch with multiple production companies to document her experience getting back in shape and returning to the spotlight with hopes of landing a TV deal and using the footage for a reality show.

Ryder and Jericho Team Up, AJ Plays Up Eve Storyline, DiBiase & Kaitlyn

- Ted DiBiase and Kaitlyn will be appearing at the National Guard Armory in San Antonio, Texas this afternoon from 12-2pm.

- Eve Torres, who previously worked for John Laurinaitis in the storylines, was denied employment by both Booker T and AJ Lee this past week on RAW and SmackDown. AJ wrote to Booker on Twitter this weekend:
“Congratulations to fellow new GM @BookerT5x . This week I’ll show how to activate our Wonder Rings. Perhaps we’ll hire Eve to be our Gleek.”

- Chris Jericho and Zack Ryder were teaming up at this weekend’s RAW live events to face Dolph Ziggler and WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz. Ryder commented on Twitter:
“@IAmJericho was on my birthday cake when I was in 9th grade…tonight he was my tag team partner. #JeriBro”

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Undertaker On Whether He Will Be At ‘Mania, WWE Looks At Venis

- The Undertaker appeared at a Florida Championship Wrestling event in Tampa, Florida on Wednesday and when a fan noted that like him, he attends WrestleMania every year, the WWE Superstar responded, “Well, don’t make any plans for April…”
The fan was in disbelief over his comment. The Deadman added, We’ll see what happens.”

- Val Venis is the latest addition to the Alumni section on, which also acknowledges the character’s controversial antics: “Rude, lewd, and highly outrageous, Val Venis shocked network censors and WWE fans alike when he debuted during the “Attitude Era.” Find out what all the controversy was about with The Big Valbowski’s exclusive profile, photos, and videos.”
Meanwhile, Venis, whose real name is Sean Morley, stated on Twitter on July 18 that he was contacted by his former employer to appear on Raw 1,000, but declined because he “just cannot do anything with them for as long as they continue their support of #SOAP/#CISPA.” He has since reiterated his stance multiple times on the website.

- Rosa Mendes is today’s spotlighted Superstar on

How Much of Tout Does WWE Own?, Mysterio’s “Be a STAR” Inspiration, HITC Pre-Sale

- The pre-sale code for the Hell in a Cell pay-per-view which takes place in Atlanta, GA, at the Philips Arena is ATLANTA. Advertisements in the area call for both the WWE and World Heavyweight title to be defended inside the cell this year.

- is featuring a new article on Rey Mysterio and his involvement with the “Be a STAR” campaign. In the article Mysterio talks about how his daughter was a big inspiration that pushed him to join. Here’s an excerpt from the article.
“She joined one of the talks that I gave early on and I was so proud that she was able to grasp the whole meaning of the campaign. I know, because she was in a situation in her school not long after that and she was able to actually apply what she had learned during the talk. So, it was inspiring really, for me, and right there, I thought, this could really be helpful.”

- George Barrios mentioned earlier today in the quarterly conference call that WWE is using the cost method to account for their investment in Tout. Typically if a company is using the cost method, it implies ownership of only twenty percent or less.

Former ECW Star Speaks Out Against Dawn Marie, Says Wrestler’s Rescue Is A Scam

Wrestler’s Rescue, a charitable organization founded by Dawn Marie Psaltis in 2008 to raise money to support the health care needs of retired professional wrestlers, is once again subject of scandal with rumors of embezzlement of funds by the former WWE Diva.

After former WWE Superstar “The Ugandan Giant” Kamala (real name James Harris) released a video message Tuesday condemning Psaltis and Dan Mirade of Boston-based independent wrestling promotion Millenium Wrestling Federation for raising money on his behalf that he has yet to receive, another embezzlement allegation was levied towards the retired women’s wrestler by one of her former colleagues.
Brian Heffron, who worked alongside Psaltis in Extreme Championship Wrestling as Blue Meanie, noted Wednesday on Twitter that two years ago, she launched a similar campaign fund meant to assist fellow alumnus Jerry Lynn with back surgery costs and was asked to donate an item for her to auction. Heffron, however, says Lynn was unaware of the campaign fund and noted that he never received money from Psaltis.

After posting a link to Harris’ video message, Heffron wrote, “I always had a feeling “Wrestler’s Rescue” was a scam since they aren’t a registered charity AND wrestler’s who they’ve collected for never got a dime that was supposed to get to them. 2 years ago I was asked to donate an item for auction for Jerry Lynn’s back surgery. He told me he didn’t know about and didn’t get a A DIME.”
He continues, “I always heard rumors “Wrestler’s Rescue” ripped off MY IDOL Steve Williams. Then I heard straight from Jerry Lynn he never received a penny. I never really thought of speaking out until I saw the video Kamala made. It’s a shame to collect money off off false pretenses.”

In June, Psaltis set up the “Kamala Campaign Fund” and said that money generated from the fund through auctions on their official website, (currently suspended by its hosting company), would assist Harris with “medical care, basic living costs and a myriad of other expenses as he transitions into a more handicapped-accessible world.” After claiming in the video that he has received nothing from Wrestler’s Rescue or Dawn Marie, Harris tells her to take any money she may have raised on his behalf “to Massachusetts and ram it up Dan Mirade’s ass.” He also wants Mirade to take any money he may have raised on his behalf “to New Jersey and ram it up Dawn Marie’s ass.”

William Regal Gives Advice to Future Wrestlers, Val Venis Added to Alumni

- Val Venis has been added to the Alumni section of the official WWE website.

- William Regal went over some tips for becoming a professional wrestler on his Twitter account. Here is an excerpt.

To make it in the WWE you have to be very adaptable and willing to make any character or opportunity work. Heres some very good advise. Make a list of the worst possible situations and character traits you be asked to do.Now make up a character and promos involving those traits and work on perfecting that character and promo(on your own otherwise you’ll get locked up).Make those things second nature.Now you’ve taken away some of your fears so whatever you are asked to do should be easier.Don’t skip this task.Very few people who come to the WWE end up being the character they envisioned.

The most important things you have to make you connect with an audience are your eyes.If you believe in yourself and your persona it will be evident in your eyes.You cannot show any real emotion without your eyes.So,if you’re interested in being taken seriously then never wear anything to cover them.This will offend a lot of people but you don’t look cool wearing sunglasses indoors. You look a divvy. There are many big stars who have worn them but you’ll find most will take them off when they’re making a serious point or they just have that special magic that only 1 in a million have.

If you are a normal person like myself and you don’t have that one in a million Elvis quality(a lot of people are delusional about this) then to make yourself valuable I suggest you study as many different styles of our business as possible.You never know how the industry will change and if you can only wrestle one way you may be left behind.It goes back to the being adaptable tip from before.

Conference Call Highlights: PPV Sales Increase, Tout’s Success, WWE Network Update

As noted earlier, Vince McMahon and George Barrios hosted a conference call with investors on Thursday morning. Here are a few highlights.

* WWE has spent $5-million on production of ‘Legend’s House.’

* Vince McMahon said the writing has gotten much better and presenting the shows in a PG manner.

* The Tout app was downloaded over 30,000 times after the airing of WWE Raw.

* Vince said they may have gone too far to ‘G’ rather than ‘PG’ in the past.

* “No Holds Barred” starring Hulk Hogan, which cost less than $100,000, is expected to make $300,000.

* There are three models still being considered for the WWE Network which include broad/basic distribution, a pay TV format and a third “over-the-top” format.

* Monday Night Wars is expected to be one of the shows on the WWE Network.

* WWE has seen a 27% to 34% buy increase over the past year in High Definition pay-per-view buys, which carry a $10 up charge.

WWE Delaying Network Announcement, Vince Puts Over New ION Show

- Vince McMahon acknowledged the delays in the launching of the WWE Networking during Thursday’s quarterly conference call with investors, and said he hopes to make an announcement in three months. “I hope next quarter I will be making an announcement on our Network,” McMahon said.

- Also at the conference call, Vince McMahon put over the new ION show, which debuts in October. Vince said that it will give WWE a new audience that they aren’t reaching now.

Rita Cortez passes away


LEE, RitaAge 73 of Hermitage, TN. Died Friday, July 27, 2012. Mrs. Lee was a member of the Catholic faith. She was a professional wrestler in the late 1950′s until the late 1960′s. She moved to Nashville in 1964 with her husband, Buddy Lee. Together they created Buddy Lee Attractions. Mrs. Lee is the daughter of the late Ignacio Chavez and Julia Gomez Gutierrez. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Buddy Lee and a brother. She is survived by children, Joey (Ann Marie) Lee, Donna Lee (Scott) LeFevers, Regina Lee (Matt) Jowers and Tony Lee; brother, Ignacio Gutierrez; sister, Margaret DeSoto; grandchildren, Catherine, Joseph, Annastasia, Julianna, Aleksandria and Angelica. Rev. Joseph Patrick Breen will celebrate the Mass of the Resurrection 10 a.m. Thursday, August 2, 2012 at The Cathedral of the Incarnation, 2015 West End Avenue, Nashville, TN. Burial will be private. Active Pallbearers will be Joseph Lee, Annastasia Lee, Scott LeFevers, Matt Jowers, David Smith and Bill Hicks. Honorary Pallbearers will be Kevin Neal, David Kiswiney, James O’Hara, Richard Goodloe, Karen Vogel and the entire staff of Buddy Lee Attractions. Flowers accepted or memorials may be made to St. Edward School Tuition Assistance Fund, 188 Thompson Lane, Nashville, TN 37204. Visitation will be 4-8 p.m., Tuesday and 2-8 p.m., Wednesday at BOND MEMORIAL CHAPEL, N. Mt. Juliet Road and Weston Drive, Mt. Juliet, TN, (615) 773-2663. Obit Line (615) 641-2663

Update on Chris Jericho’s WWE status

Chris Jericho’s current WWE run will end on 8/14 with a Smackdown taping in Austin, TX. The former WWE champion will not return to WWE in any capacity until he is finished with all Fozzy promotional work and concert obligations.

WWE house show business down in June

The average attendance at domestic house shows was 4,501. That’s down 22% from 5,771 in June of 2011, reports the Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

AW’s Kobe Bryant remark mentioned on ESPN

On “Around the Horn” today on ESPN, they talked about AW and the Kobe Bryant remark. Israel Gutierrez said he had a big problem with it and said shame on WWE for allowing it.

Names nixed from the 1,000th Raw

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter noted that many talent originally contacted to appear at the historic 1,000th episode of Raw were notified they wouldn’t be needed once the show was put together. Names include MVP, Tammy Sytch (who of course went into rehab), Steve Blackman (as previously noted), Tatanka, and Viscera.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Michelle McCool Pregnant, ESPN Comments on A.W.’s Remark

- ESPN’s ‘Around The Horn’ mentioned the remark Abraham Washington made about Kobe Bryant on Raw this past week.

- Steve Keirn announced in front of the live crowd at tonight’s FCW show in Tampa, FL., that The Undertaker and Michelle McCool are expecting their first child together.

Details On Laurinaitis’ Resignation As WWE SVP Of Talent Operations

The official WWE website announced Monday that John Laurinaitis had resigned from his position as Senior Vice President of Talent Operations, effectively immediately. He will, however, remain with the company as a producer assisting talent with their matches. His resignation is legitimate and not part of any storyline.
According to WWE sources, Laurinaitis had mentioned how exhausted he was with his workload, which consisted of office duties in Stamford, Connecticut and traveling to numerous events as a performer. The writing, however, was on the wall since he was quietly removed from the WWE Corporate website’s index of Executive Officers in April. Paul Levesque, Executive Vice President of Talent and Live Events, was reportedly never a “Big Johnny” booster and it was believed to be a matter of time before Jane Geddes, Vice President of Talent Relations, and Canyon Ceman, Senior Director of Talent Development, understood the WWE machine. With each element they learned, they assumed duties that belonged to Laurinaitis. Creative writer Michael Hayes had already replaced John Laurinaitis as matchmaker of live events and it said that he was taken out of the loop concerning developmental program matters.
The internal belief is that Laurinaitis will wind up back on television as a performer since most people are surprised that WWE has maintained his character’s firing. He is scheduled to appear at live events through at least September.
Laurinaitis was hired as a producer after WWE’s acquisition of certain assets of World Championship Wrestling in March 2001. When Jim Ross desired to move from Stamford, Connecticut to Norman, Oklahoma, he began grooming Laurinaitis to overtake his position as Vice President of Talent Relations. WWE chief Vince McMahon, however, made the switch without informing Ross first in 2004. Laurinatis was at one point one of the most powerful employees in the organization, and in 2009, was promoted to Executive Vice President of Talent Relations. However, when Stephanie McMahon took over Talent Relations and handed over the reins to Levesque, his power weakened and he was ultimately demoted.
The only person remaining in the talent relations department since last year, aside from employees working in travel, is Mark Carrano. Though WWE stated in their article that Laurinaitis was “burned out” from the position, multiple sources have stated that recent changes to the corporate infrastructure represent Levesque assuming control of certain sectors of the organization and re-shaping them to his liking. Despite his demotion, Laurinaitis chose to maintain employment because he bought an expensive Connecticut home and his family doesn’t want to move away from the area.

Kelly Returning From Hiatus Next Week, MVP Appearance On Raw 1,000 Nixed, Attendance

- Kelly Kelly returns to the WWE ring next week after being granted time off the road in late May. She is scheduled to appear on the SmackDown brand’s tour of Japan beginning August 9 and will be returning full-time.

Kelly, who had been on the road on a weekly basis since joining WWE in 2006, was reportedly granted a break to spend time with her family and boyfriend. She last competed on television on the May 21 Raw SuperShow, losing to Beth Phoenix.

- MVP was among the WWE alumnus contacted to appear on Raw 1,000. WWE officials, however, ultimately changed their minds on bringing him and other former Superstars such as Steve Blackman, Tatanka and Viscera.

- The July 27 Raw live event in Charleston, West Virginia drew 5,500 attendees paying $170,000. The July 28 Raw live event in Lexington, Kentucky drew 6,000 paying $200,000. The July 29 Raw live event at the Broadbent Arena in Louisville, Kentucky drew a legitimate sell-out of 6,000 paying $235,000. The July 28 SmackDown live event in Johnson City, Tennessee drew 3,500 paying $110,000. The July 29 SmackDown live event in Pikeville, Kentucky drew 4,000 paying $120,000.

Ryback Victim Talks About Training for WWE & TNA, Ryback’s Backstage Reputation, More

Dan Barone, who wrestled Ryback on the June 29th Smackdown, was interviewed by The Top Rope Radio show. Here are some highlights from the interview.

On Ryback’s backstage reputation: “One thing that I want to point out is I always like to stay in touch with wrestling so I read a couple dirt sheets, and a lot of the dirt sheets would say that other WWE wrestlers would claim that they wouldn’t want to work with Ryback because he was too stiff or too unsafe. That was completely false. He was extremely nice, extremely careful and cautious on what he was going to do to us and everyone liked him backstage. That is a false accusation on Ryback.”

On training with WWE and TNA: “I definitely learned way more from William Regal than I did with D’Lo Brown. I think William Regal was more in general trying to help us whereas D’Lo Brown could have been ‘you know, do this,’ but was giving more general advice like ‘get bigger, get stronger.’ William Regal said, ‘be different, wrestle this way rather than how everyone wrestles this way.’”

SummerSlam Plans for Charlie Sheen & Daniel Bryan

As of last week, WWE’s plans are not to have Daniel Bryan wrestle against Charlie Sheen at SummerSlam, but rather to build up to shooting an angle at the pay-per-view. If anything were to happen it will most likely be where Sheen slaps Bryan, or throws a drink on him or whatever physical spot they have planned. The idea behind this move is to help SummerSlam buys and also to film something that might get some media attention.

One person within WWE said that the “first” angle would be shot at SummerSlam, which indicates there may be more planned with Sheen in the following months. All of it is being done to help promote Sheen’s new Anger Management TV show.

WWE Impressed By Former Superstar On Raw 1,000, AJ Angle Nixed

- WWE officials were impressed with Billy Gunn and his interactions with Shawn Michaels on Raw 1,000 and the belief is he’ll receive at least one match on a future televised show. Meanwhile, many backstage feel Sean “X-Pac” Waltman didn’t appear in great shape on the milestone episode so it is unlikely that he’ll be brought back for a match.

Some people were surprised that with WWE’s TV-PG directive and Linda McMahon running for United States Senate, officials had no problem having Waltman appear on television despite his involvement with a sex tape years ago. Some people backstage were also joking about how friendly Gunn was with everyone considering that he challenged Triple H and Shawn Michaels to a “shoot” fight years ago.

- After AJ Lee was named General Manager of Raw last week on Raw 1,000, her first act in the position was to grant Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson a WWE Championship Match at the Royal Rumble. The angle, however, was nixed due to time constraints and Johnson announced that he would face whoever the WWE Champion is at the pay-per-view event.

WWE plans to downplay Johnson’s upcoming title shot until after the Survivor Series on November 18 as to not draw attention away from any of the other shows they have to promote in the meantime. Officials also want Royal Rumble, which takes place in Phoenix, Arizona, to be sold out by November.

Shane McMahon’s Company Strikes Big Deal With Paramount Pictures

China’s largest pay-per-view and video-on-demand platform, YOU On Demand, has added Paramount Pictures to its roster of studio partners. The entity is the brainchild of former WWE executive and talent Shane McMahon.
YOU on Demand Signs Agreement to Offer Paramount Pictures Titles for Video on Demand In China
New York, NY, 08/01/12 – YOU On Demand Holdings, Inc.’s (NASDAQ: YOD) PRC subsidiary, a leading Pay-Per-View (PPV) and Video On Demand (VOD) platform in China, announced today that it has signed an agreement to offer Paramount Pictures titles through YOU On Demand’s Transactional Video On Demand (TVOD) and Subscription Video On Demand (SVOD) services in the People’s Republic of China.
The titles that will be available to YOU On Demand customers rank among the most renowned and successful films in Paramount’s 100-year history. These titles include worldwide box office hits such as the Mission: Impossible franchise starring Tom Cruise, including the latest in the series, “Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol,” Michael Bay’s “Transformers,” the Coen Brothers’ Oscar® winning “No Country For Old Men,” and director/producer J.J. Abrams’ “Star Trek.”
“Paramount Pictures is one of Hollywood’s most iconic studios and we are delighted to offer films from its rich library to our customers,” said Shane McMahon, CEO and Chairman of YOU On Demand. “The addition of Paramount’s roster now gives YOU On Demand the most vibrant and compelling titles available in the People’s Republic of China,” he concluded.
Paramount now joins Warner Bros. Entertainment, Disney Media Distribution, Lionsgate, Miramax Pictures, Magnolia Pictures, Gravitas Ventures, Film Buff, K2 Communications, 3net and Big Mama Digital Entertainment (Karaoke) as content providers working with YOU On Demand in its efforts to bring the best in home entertainment to audiences in China.

Video: WWE RAW Full Show 7/30/12

Wrestler facing jail for sex crimes against teenage boys


ONE of Scotland’s top wrestlers is facing jail for sex crimes against teenage boys.
Colin McKay, known as The Highlander, bombarded his victims with sick messages and persuaded them to perform sex acts.

The former British heavyweight champion befriended many of his victims through his role as a wrestling coach at an East Kilbride club.

He was arrested at his home in the town in April after the family of one of his victims alerted police.
McKay, 35, admitted three counts of sending indecent messages through Facebook and by text and three counts of engaging in sexual activity with boys under 16.

Mysterio Possibly Missing SmackDown, Bourne Injury Update, RAW Trends

- Evan Bourne is still a little ways away from returning to WWE TV. Bourne says he will be returning to RAW as soon as this is healed:

 - Some of the WWE terms trending worldwide on Twitter during last night’s RAW were Goat Face, Chris Jericho, Christian, Let’s Go Cena, Tyson Kidd, Tensai, Heath Slater and Little Jimmy, among others.

- Rey Mysterio is still in Taipei doing promotional work for WWE so he likely won’t be appearing on tonight’s WWE SmackDown unless he makes it back to the United States in time.

AW’s WWE Status, Kidd Comments on Tensai, Jericho, Former Star on TV

- Former WWE star Shad Gaspard will be appearing on TV Land’s The Exes tonight at 10:30pm EST.

- Chris Jericho will participate in a spoken-word event titled “Rockstars Say The Funniest Things” on November 25th in London at The Garage. Tickets are on sale now.

- Tyson Kidd wrote the following on Twitter about his feud with Tensai:
“I’ve gotten under Tensai’s kanji tatted skin. Physically I’m not 100% but it’s a mental game as well.”

- For those wondering, AW is still on the road with WWE after the blunder at Monday’s RAW. He worked last night’s WWE SmackDown tapings and was still mic’d up at ringside.

Edge Named Mr. SummerSlam, Foley Wants Former Knockout In WWE, More

- WWE will return to Pittsburgh, PA at the Consol Energy Center for a SmackDown taping on December 18th.
- WWE’s website has a new article and poll up asking fans, who is Mr. SummerSlam? The options are Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Edge, Bret Hart, The Undertaker and Triple H. WWE’s editors voted and named Edge as Mr. SummerSlam.
- Mick Foley wrote on Twitter that he believes former TNA Knockout Velvet Sky would be a valuable addition to WWE’s Divas roster. Foley added that he hopes WWE picks her up.
- WWE has now confirmed the World Heavyweight Title match at SummerSlam between Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus.