Monday, June 4, 2012

6/4/ RAW Supershow Recap

Tonight’s show opens with highlights of Big Show’s wrath of recent terror against Brodus Clay, Kofi, Truth, Santino, & Zack Ryder.
Out first is Michael Cole. In the middle of the ring, Cole says there is 1 man responsible for the wrath of the Big Show, his guest, John Cena. Out comes Cena. Cole reminds Cena that Show has knocked him out twice but that pales in comparison to last week. Cole says Cena should’ve done the right thing and support Big Show. Cena says GM Johnny is a power hungry bully. Says Johnny humiliated the Big Show and says he was going to beat Johnny at the PPV. Cole says he is self centered and wrapped up in his ego. Cole says Show did what he had to do. Cole says no one can beat Show now and he will prove that to Cena in 2 weeks. Cena says Show is a man that wants a wallet the size of his waist line. Cole says Cena is jealous of Show. Cole says he has supported Cena from day 1 but now says Cena is overrated and hopes Show beats Cena at the PPV. Cole reminds Cena he cannot strike an announcer. Then out comes another clown, GM Johnny. Johnny says this week he’s letting Cena pick his opponent tonight. Show isn’t here tonight. Johnny says he has retired. Cena says “anybody?” Cena says he is picking an opponent he has scouted for years……he picks Cole. Cole claims he can’t do that. Johnny nods yes and leaves Cole screeching in the ring.
Back live, Cole is begging Johnny to not let this happen. Johnny says rumor has it everyone’s job is being evaluated. Johnny orders Cole back to the announcer’s table.
Recap is shown of Sheamus destroying Otunga on Smackdown. Then, out comes Vicky to introduce Dolph Ziggler. Out comes Dolph followed by the World Champion, Sheamus. Match begins with clubbing blows by Dolph, forcing Sheamus into the corner. Sheamus reverses, clubbing blows of his own to Dolph. Dolph whipped across the ring but is caught with a back elbow by Dolph. Front senton attempted by Sheamus but Dolph counters out trying for a rollup but Sheamus picks him back up and this time delivers the front senton. 2 count. Sheamus runs at Dolph who pulls the top rope down allowing Sheamus to sail over to the floor but Sheamus back up, pulling Dolph outside as well. Sheamus picks up Dolph who then counters, trying to run Sheamus into the ring post but Sheamus blocks and hits a big elbow to Dolph. Dolph then hops over the ring steps after being whipped toward them. Vicky destracts Sheamus long enough for Dolph to slide into the ring and hit Sheamus with a dropkick through the ropes.
Back live, Dolph has a rear chin lock on Sheamus but Sheamus counters out with axe handle blows to Dolph. Sheamus then hits a shoulder block in the corner followed by a running knee lift. Powerslam to Dolph, 2 count. Both men up, kicks by Dolph followed by a jumping DDT…2 count. Dolph to the top rope, caught by Sheamus and right hands. Sheamus up top, headbutts by Dolph. Fameasser from the top rope by Dolph, 2 count. Dolph jumps on Sheamus’ back but is tossed off and then gets hit with White Noise. Brogue Kick by Sheamus…1-2-3. WINNER SHEAMUS.
As Sheamus heads to the back, he is attacked by Ricky Ricardo…..I mean Alberto del Rio. Sheamus is rammed into the WWE logo sign on the stage. Alberto locks in the arm bar submission hold over the top of the ramp.
Back live, Otunga walks up and tells GM Johnny that next week Vince McMahon returns next week to give Johnny a job evaluation. In the arena, Cole says it makes sense putting him in a match later. That it’s nothing personal.
Out comes Sin Cara for his match against Hunico. Bell rings and Hunico hits a kick and clubbing blows to the back of Sin Cara. Sin Cara off the ropes, acrobatics in the ring, catching Hunico with an arm bar takeover and Hunico slides to the outside. Sin Cara with a leap over the top rope into a hurricanrana on the floor. Hunico tossed in, Sin Cara goes for a sunset flip but Hunico rolls through and nails a kick to the head of Sin Cara. Double underhook backbreaker by Hunico. Rear chin lock by Hunico. Sin Cara lifted up into a torture rack maneuver but counters out and flips Hunico to the mat. Hunico runs at Sin Cara in the corner only to be hit with boots to the face. Hunico comes in again, missing a splash in the corner. Sin Cara with a kick to the head of Hunico. Sin Cara sent into the ropes comes off with a back elbow to Hunico. Camacho kicked off the apron, Sin Cara hits a hurricanrana like face buster for the pin and the victory.
Back live, out comes Ryback to destroy 2 more jobbers. One of them runs at Ryback and gets launched, the other gets caught and is used as a battering ram onto the other one. Ryback with his marching vertical suplex. Then picks up both men and delivers a running clothesline in the corner to both then a double clothesline. Both picked back up, BOTH men on his shoulders, Samoan drop to both and the pin.
Back live, out comes C.M. Punk for his match with Kane. Cole is begging for Johnny to rethink his match later. Out comes Daniel Bryan. Kane is out now. Match begins with a lockup, Kane shoving Punk to the corner, kicks to Punk sending him down to the mat. Punches to Punk, big right hand. Punk whipped across the ring, catches Kane coming in with a boot to the face, then a kick to Kane’s head. Kane clotheslined over the top then Punk hits a suicide dive through the ropes onto Kane. Punk then tosses Kane in, to the top he goes, hits a cross body off the top. Kicks to Kane, but Kane catches him with a knee to the gut and a dropkick to Punk. 2 count. Punches to Punk in the corner. Kick to the ribs of Punk. Elbow drops by Kane. Scoop slam by Kane followed by a leg drop. 2 count. Rear body scissors by Kane. Punk counters out with elbows to the thigh of Kane. Punk fighting back, kicks to Kane, but Kane tosses Punk over the top rope to the floor.
Back live, Punk with a sleeper hold on Kane but Kane slams him off, 2 count. Rear chin lock by Kane on the mat. Both men up, side slam by Kane. 2 count. Kane goes to the top but is knocked off by Punk. Running knee and bulldog by Punk. 2 count. Punk to the top rope, diving off onto Kane, 2 count. Punk calls for the GTS, but couldn’t get Kane up. Kane with a boot to the face. 2 count. Kane readies for the choke slam, but is caught with a neckbreaker by Punk…2 count. Punk again goes up top, but Kane catches him with a right hand. Kane knocked off the 2nd rope and Punk hits the big elbow off the top rope. 2 count. Both men on the floor, Kane tosses Punk into the barricade. Punk goes to get back in but is caught by Bryan and 2 kicks. Kane then pulls Punk in, goes for chokeslam but Punk kicks Kane in the head. AJ runs out and gets on the apron, Bryan yells at her and Punk dives through the ropes onto Bryan but is then caught by a chokeslam by Kane for the win. AJ gets in ring to check on Punk but Kane eyes her. Bryan attacks Kane, but is kicked down. AJ gets up, smiles at Kane, Kane backs off and leaves as AJ returns her concern to Punk.
Back live, AJ is walking backstage when Josh asks her about the look she gave to Kane, the smile. She says she likes it when men look at her. She then yanks his tie and asks him if he likes aggressive women. Then says he may be her type.
Cole makes a plea to the fans to get him out of the match later against Cena.
Vignette is shown with Show saying he doesn’t care anymore. He’s doing what he wants to do.
Out comes Kofi Kingston and R-Truth for their match against Reks and Hawkins.
Back line, Kofi and Hawkins are locked up. Hawkins off the ropes, knocks Kofi down. Leap frogs by Kofi as Hawkins bounds off the ropes then Kofi hits a jumping back elbow. 2 count. Truth tagged in, double team takedown to Hawkins then a kick to the head of Hawkins by Kofi. Leg drop by Truth. Reks tagged in, drop toe hold by Truth. Punches to Reks by Truth in the corner, but Truth gets thrown off. Reks goes to work on the arm of Truth. Hawkins tagged in, arm bar to Truth. Reks back in, Truth counters with punches to Reks. Kofi tagged in, springboard clothesline to Hawkins, Boom Drop to Hawkins. Reks gets knocked off the apron by Kofi. Kofi misses the Trouble in Paradise, but hits a crossbody on Hawkins. Reks tosses Truth out, but Truth pulls him out too. In ring, Kofi hits the Trouble In Paradise for win.
Back live, Cena is out, but Cole is still at announcer’s table. GM Johnny is out. Says people want to see Cena vs. Cole. Johnny says the match is now no DQ provided Cena is victorious against Tensai. Tensai out, shoves his handler out of the way, comes to ring. Cole is confident. Match begins with lockup and forearms to Cena in the corner. Headbutt by Tensai. Cena clotheslined under 2nd rope. Both men trade punches. Tensai clotheslined over the top rope. Tensai back in as the handler attacks Cena with kicks as we head to commercial.
Back live, Cena counters out but is leveled by Tensai. Cena whipped into the corner and hit with a big clothesline. Cena whipped to other corner and catches Tensai with boots to the face. Tensai comes back and slams Cena for a 2 count. Claw hold to the shoulder by Tensai. Cena then tossed outside. Cena’s head bounced off the announcer’s table. Headbutt to Cena knocks him off the apron. Cena whhipped into the steps. Tensai is awaiting Cena to get back in ring. Big underhook slam to Cena, 2 count. Tensai misses the big splash. Tensai slammed down by Cena, 5 knuckle shuffle to Tensai. AA by Cena, 1-2-3…’s Cena vs Cole now. Cole is now back tracking as the bell sounds. Cole runs into the crowd but Cena catches him. Cole tossed into ring. Cole begs him to wait. Cole says we can shake hands. Off comes the coat and tie, Cole gettin’ serious. Cole gets in Cena’s face, poking him in the chest. Cena rips open his shirt and gives a huge open hand slap to Cole then rips his pants off. Cena then steps on Cole’s crotch. Cena says SHHHHHH like Show does and gives Cole another big slap. Cena has Cole in a headlock, making Cole apologize to Lawler. Cena then tells Cole he owes Jim Ross an apology. Cole offers the apology, saying sorry over and over. Cena then brings up JR’s BBQ Sauce. Lawler just happens to have some at ring side. Cena gets it and pours it all over Cole. Hot sauce apparently, so Cena cools him off with the fire extinguisher. Cena goes for the AA on Cole but is attacked by Tensai. Cole crawls over and tries to pin Cena but only gets a 2 count. Time for Cena to learn to quit playin’ around. Cole grabs the extinguisher, runs at Cena but is hit with the AA for the 1-2-3 by Cena.
End of show.

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