Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Undertaker Possibly Returning To Television Soon, Reason For McMahon's Return

-Vince McMaon's return to television on next Monday's Raw SuperShow is being done in response to the program's disappointing ratings figures in recent weeks. He will kick off the three-hour show with an evaluation of John Laurinaitis' job performance as General Manager of Raw and SmackDown, which company officials are hopeful will boost first hour viewership.

The show was originally pegged as the second choice for the date of the annual WWE Draft. However, with so many Wrestlers working both Raw and SmackDown, the idea was dropped.

- Kane is today's featured Superstar on

- Raw SuperShow will permanently expand to a three-hour show starting with the 1,000th episode on July 23 at 8/7 CT on USA Network. WWE officials have reportedly contacted nearly two dozen former performers for cameo appearances on the program, which will be treated as pay-per-view quality event. The entire roster will be on hand for the show and there is a chance new talent will be introduced as well. Officials are hopeful that The Undertaker appears at the event. If he does, it will likely be promoted weeks in advance rather than as a surprise.

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